The Dayton Peace Accord was a big part of the negotiation process during the Bosnian War. 



Drafted on November 21, 1995 in Dayton, Ohio at the  Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and signed in Paris, France. 

What is it? 

The Dayton Peace Accord was an agreement to end the Genocide in Bosnia. This agreement put an end to a war that lasted about three and a half years. 

"After three weeks of negotiation, a peace accord was declared including domestic election and more" (The History...) 

"On November 1, 1995, leaders of warring factions including Milosevic and Tudjman traveled to the U.S for peace talks" ( The History...) 

" The peace agreement ended the war between Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia and mandated that each entity would recognize the sovereighty of the other and settle disagreements by peaceful means" ( Bosnia...). 

"The Dayton Peace Accord was signed by the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croats and the Federal republic of Yugoslavia" (IFOR) 

"The agreement brought peace to a troubled corner of Europe, and established an ambitious blueprint to build a new Bosnia" (Chollet) 

The Dayton Peace Accord was a success! 

Clinton's Speech

November 27th, 1995,  U.S president Bill Clinton gave a speech about the Bosnian Genocide. Clinton addresses the American people about the violence and wrong doings going on in Bosnia. Clinton also talks about his decision to resolve the war using US troops.